Sunday, December 12, 2010

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Christmas is by far my most favorite holiday EVER.  This is only my second Christmas spent in my new home, so I have yet to acquire a multitude of decor.  Here are a few of my favs:
So I know its not the greatest, but it makes me happy and it works for now:)

This was a gift from Roz last year. LOVE IT!

Love the monogrammed stockings!  I got one for myself and my old roomie last season for $10 bucks!  With the addition of dearest Annie, I knew I wanted to get one for her but was afraid I wouldn't find the same ones this season.  Fortunately, I found it the weekend after Thanksgiving for $5 on sale at Kohl's!  Since I don't have a fireplace or a long stair railing, I hang hers from the backdoor.  Dually purposed: when she needs to go outside, she just nudges the bell on the stocking:)
I love the idea of using traditional Christmas bulbs in other places around the house besides the tree.  I bought this set for $6.99 from Marshall's.  I just replaced the fruit normally in this bowl with the bulbs and tada!  The round thing its resting on is actually a placemat that I also got from Marshall's for $10.  I stole that this placemat idea from my good friend Em. When I brave up, I'm going to try and make a bulb wreath like this one:

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