Saturday, October 16, 2010

A fence building frenzy!

So with the new addition of Annie to my oh-so-small household of 1, I found myself wishing I had a fence to give her the "freedom" she needs to run around while still maintaining boundaries.  Annie was used to having a fence at her old home, so coming here she was very disturbed at the thought of "pottying" while on a leash.  After all, a girl has gotta have her privacy, right?  For the first week I had her I swear I could count on one hand how many times she peed; she apparently has a bladder of steel. I tried letting her out off of a leash, and it worked at first, but over time she has become more brave and discovered the neighbors decks/cats/dogs etc...and is no longer fooled by the "Annie, come here, I have a tasty treat for you" trick.  Needless to say, I made the decision that is was completely necessary for Annie's happiness (and my sanity) for her to have a fence.  My good friend S and her hubby W so graciously offered to take on this project.  With the help of a few awesome friends, we are making great progress and the fence is coming together beautifully.  I feel very accomplished having successfully learned how to use some vital power tools.  I cannot wait for the fence to be finished! So exciting!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

First post!

 Hello fellow bloggers!  As a first time blogger, I find myself slightly insecure as I type this having read so many amazingly inspiring blogs.  Why start a blog myself, one might ask?  Well, over the past year or two I have experienced many new and terrifying  exciting life-changing events!  The first being the start of my first "real" job as a labor and delivery nurse, next was the purchase of my first home in August 2009, and then finally, in August of this year, Annie (a 10 month old labradoodle pup) came to live with me (more on that later).  So, long story short, I feel that it is only appropriate to document my journeys through this adventure we call life....Here are a few pictures!

           Some fellow L&D girls
              My first home!

And last, but certainly not Annie!