Saturday, October 16, 2010

A fence building frenzy!

So with the new addition of Annie to my oh-so-small household of 1, I found myself wishing I had a fence to give her the "freedom" she needs to run around while still maintaining boundaries.  Annie was used to having a fence at her old home, so coming here she was very disturbed at the thought of "pottying" while on a leash.  After all, a girl has gotta have her privacy, right?  For the first week I had her I swear I could count on one hand how many times she peed; she apparently has a bladder of steel. I tried letting her out off of a leash, and it worked at first, but over time she has become more brave and discovered the neighbors decks/cats/dogs etc...and is no longer fooled by the "Annie, come here, I have a tasty treat for you" trick.  Needless to say, I made the decision that is was completely necessary for Annie's happiness (and my sanity) for her to have a fence.  My good friend S and her hubby W so graciously offered to take on this project.  With the help of a few awesome friends, we are making great progress and the fence is coming together beautifully.  I feel very accomplished having successfully learned how to use some vital power tools.  I cannot wait for the fence to be finished! So exciting!


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